Lets face it

We are going through the one of best and worst times in the history. It is Best time if, we look at the technological advancements and the way our standard of living has changed in past 40-50 years; Worst time if, we look at the sinking morality, terrorism, disparity between rich and poor, lack of tolerance and value of one's life.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Asia's Tsunami tragedy

The Christmas day after tragedy in Asia has left everyone anguished. Nature's fury was on display that day, when always giving Sea took away everything it gave to those who lived by it including their lives. And all everyone could do was, just watch dumbstuck and terrified. Help started pouring in from all sides once the initial shock was overcome and deadly reality was looming large on everyone's TV screens. We can't get them their families back, we can't even imagine what those people are going through but, we can make sure that they get back to their lives at the earliest. Lets donate as much as we can to meet their daily needs and to make their transition to normal life a little smoother.


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