Lets face it

We are going through the one of best and worst times in the history. It is Best time if, we look at the technological advancements and the way our standard of living has changed in past 40-50 years; Worst time if, we look at the sinking morality, terrorism, disparity between rich and poor, lack of tolerance and value of one's life.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Sad state of Indian politics

In India, you can find religious structures right in the middle of a highway or city roads. There are religious places coming up at every nook and corner and usually encroaching government lands. Even then, No one is allowed to touch these illegally constructed structures, come what may. The only way Public works department has is to either re-design to take a detour or forget it. Because if they try to remove this structures, our shamefully peerless politicians will create an issue on communal lines to enhance their votebanks. Whether it is tentamount to breaking the law or strengthening the religious hardline lobbies, uhh...they dont care. They care only about winning next elections..they hardly have any time for the issues of security and integrity of our nation. It's clear that, To save their votebanks, politicians will not even stop from scuttling a debate on any grave issue.
I think that, Whether its a madrasa, mosque, temple or a church, it should be regularised and registered under federal laws. It should be answerable to the nation, on its source of funding and its functions. All institutions have to follow the rules of the land, and it has nothing to do with religious freedom or all that nonsense for that matter. For all the religious institutions, who teach religion, Govt should put in place checks and balances on to monitor their operations and should make it mandatory for them to follow a set curriculam. Because its not just a matter of religion but of nation's future, which is taking shape in there. Rules should also be in place so that if, a religious institution is constructed illegally, govt should take over its control and have every right to even demolish or relocate it, irrespective of whether its a temple or mosque or church. For government, it should not be a madrasa, mosque or a temple but, just an illegally run and constructed building, which has to go. For a king, all his subjects should be equal, no matter they are hindu or muslim. But alas! No one has the will to do it.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Gay or Not Gay...does it matter?

Everyone should have a right to live the way they want to. Whether straight or gay, let them be what ever they want to be. I don't think this is the only problem plagueing our modern societies. There are many more serious concerns like food, water, proper health services, rampant corruption and so on. And other thing which i feel is, why do we tend to relate sexuality to religion? Everyone says our religion doesn't allow homosexuality, but does it allow corruption, degradation of human values, loss of compassion, injustices to weaker section of society? But still its everywhere and at every step. 70-80% government officials are corrupt, no one complains or does anything about that. 1-2% gays seems to matter more than any other menace facing us. Strange!! isn't it?

ironic politics

Pakistani leaders suffer from myopia in the nation building sense. All they look forward to is to keep the islamists happy. But what they are ignoring is that what this policy of empowering and appeasing the fanatic lobby has lead to over the years. If you are creating a whole generation of fanatics to hurt others today, then a day will come when it is going to harm you also. Thats the fact and thats what has started happening in Pakistan. There is a problem with the thinking of Pak leaders, otherwise how could anyone explain that almost every terrorist activity, anywhere is the world, has some link to Pakistan.. Is it mere a coincidence? or really there is something wrong with the direction in which country is heading to. Both India and Pak have plenty of other problems to resolve, maintaing this animosity is not helping anyone. Villages need power, development, poverty needs to eradicated, good education and health needs to provided, corruption needs to be dealt with, I dont think any of these is a priority of our governments. Had they been, we wouldn't be in this state for years now.