Lets face it

We are going through the one of best and worst times in the history. It is Best time if, we look at the technological advancements and the way our standard of living has changed in past 40-50 years; Worst time if, we look at the sinking morality, terrorism, disparity between rich and poor, lack of tolerance and value of one's life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Rise against terror!!

Its time for all of us, who desire to live peacefully and want the world to be a safer place, to rise and raise our voice strongly against those who perpetrate terror in any form for any reason in any country. No reason is justified when you go and kill 150 poor labourers in early morning madness in central Bhagdad. What harm had they done to anyone? They were hardly capable of doing any actually, they were just surviving. They were just hanging in there or i would say, atleast trying to, amidst all this chaos in Iraq. They were just looking for their and their family's next meal.
These cruel inhumans have tried to relate each of their dastardly acts to some or the other cause. Sometimes its American policies, sometime it is British or Indian or Russian. Everytime they have tried to defend themselves with these excuses. What excuse do they have this time? Did these poor people also threaten them in any way? Go, face the wailing families and give these reasons. Try facing them, if you are fighting such a just cause. This, if nothing, proves one thing, that what ever reasons they give for their terrorist actions all over the world, don't hold any water. They are self centered, mindless pyschopaths who just want to create chaos everywhere. They call themselves protector of the religion, but no religion teaches killing innocent people.
This is so sad, that i don't even know what to say. One thing is sure, all those who celebrated or sympathized with these terrorists, should understand that, these enemies of the society are not fighting for any cause, they just have one devilish thirst to kill people, no matter who they are, westerners or poor labourers. And i think it is the time that we, where ever we may be, who so ever we may be, irrespective of faith, colour, boundaries, should arise and make sure that this dance of death stops soon and forever, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of ours future generations, for sake of survival of this world.


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