Lets face it

We are going through the one of best and worst times in the history. It is Best time if, we look at the technological advancements and the way our standard of living has changed in past 40-50 years; Worst time if, we look at the sinking morality, terrorism, disparity between rich and poor, lack of tolerance and value of one's life.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech madness - still YES on gun rights?

A university is a place for learning, a production floor of a factory producing careers, and yesterday many bright young men and women had their careers cut short by a maddening event. My heart goes out to the parents, brothers and sisters and friends who lost their dear ones. Why did it happen? Why did it happen to them? and how can we prevent further horrific acts like these? -are the questions in front of everyone of us.
In America, the society at large has been little too concerned about the lives and health of their family members and their pets. Just few weeks back, only news on CNN was, the discovery of some plastic component in pet food. There is a good reason for that, the lives here are so comfortable and safe, that its termination for any reason other than natural, sends vibrations through out the nation. Where as outside America, so many people die daily because of lack of basic amenities like food, clean water, health care, that daily health concerns like flu, cold and pet foods just do not cross the line of being considered important enough. However, what sounds rather strange to me, about American society and their representatives at white house, is their unwillingness to try and resolve issues, which lead to widespread massacres like in Columbine and Virginia Tech. The Gay rights, Abortion, Dog food among other nuisance concerns, are at the top of agenda here, but not gun control. Why there is no debate on Gun Control?
John McCain, was invoking Second Amendment, to claim the "right to bear guns". But what about the whole constitution, whose existance in the 1st place is to just guarantee the safety of the citizens, where people will not need to wear bulletproof vests to go to a classroom. Isn't there any amendment whether 1st, 3rd, 4th.... 100th, which seeks to provide safe environment to the citizens of this country? What is the need to bear weapons? Is personal safety the reason? Yes; There is no other country as prosperous as USA; and if police of this nation, can not assure citizen's safety then its a shame. And if No, then Why do we need guns? Just because the people who wrote, 2nd amendment, i do not know how many years back, thought it was necessary at that time to have guns. Along with 2nd amendment there is something more in the Constitution, that says that elected representatives should be answerable to the people who elect them and not to the Gun lobbies. How are you protecting that general public who elected you to do that? By defending.. rights to have weapons? What is the place of weapons in a civil and safe society.
Try telling this 2nd amendment thing to a parents who have just lost their young kids to these 2nd amendment compliant guns.
There was a documentary on PBS on Gun control. The fact presented was that 70 times more people die in USA (approx 11000) due to gun shots than in Canada (approx 160), just 140 miles north of where i live or just 5-600 miles north of Virginia tech. Why is it like that? Does anybody care about this huge difference? They speak same language, eat almost the same food, look almost same and even watch same hollywood movies. So what is the difference? Canada has strict gun control laws. There you can not just walk into a Walmart and buy a gun of your choice. Even in India, where i come from, which has problems with militancy, separatism and a hostile neighboring country; you can not just go and buy a gun from neighborhood gun store. There is a detailed licensing process, which you need to go through and you need to give enough proof that your immediate security is at risk. I can not imagine what might have happened, had there been even half of the same the security risks here in USA, as faced by India. I will not be surprised if gun lobby fed politicians would even have defended having Anti-aircraft guns on individual roof tops.
As i understand it, the government is elected to make decisions which are for greater good of the citizens of the nation, and when they start making decisions which are for greater good of certain interest groups, it is around the time that public show them what they voted them to do and what they are doing. There are many psychos roaming the streets of American and other countries too, but the difference being that, only in America these deranged fellows, have access to a weapon of choice to kill and die. I am 99% sure that these politicians who do not miss any opportunity to express there self vividly on every nonsensical issue on the face of the earth; none of them will be human enough to go on TV and say, that we had enough, no more of this madness and no more brutal endings of beautiful lives, no more guns at neighborhood stores.
My deepest condolences to the families who lost their hopes and dreams in this madness on April the 16th.


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