Lets face it

We are going through the one of best and worst times in the history. It is Best time if, we look at the technological advancements and the way our standard of living has changed in past 40-50 years; Worst time if, we look at the sinking morality, terrorism, disparity between rich and poor, lack of tolerance and value of one's life.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Munni's Munni

My sister Munni had a baby on 9th Oct. We are calling her Munni's Munni. I saw her pictures today, she is so cute and very active for her age (2 days). We all are so happy. She is 1st baby in our family since 1984. There are so many babies born everyday, but i just can't explain the special feelings i have for her.
My father is very excited and he keeps checking on Munni's Munni every hour to see what this little angel is up to. My mother is being mother all over again and can share with Munni, the pains and delights of having a baby more than any of us. She is really enjoying her newly found Grandma status.
Everyone loves to be raised up a level and this little teddy came and pushed all of us one level up. We all got promoted as Uncles, Aunties or grandparents. My father loves predictions and his prediction is that she will be naughty and will rule over all of us.
Sanjay has become father and can't hide his excitement, though he is losing most of those sleeping hours. Munni's Munni will be much more active by the time we reach India in December. I can feel it... it will be lot of fun this time in India.


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